The letters indicate what edition the book is.
Look at the bottom of the title page. Some LGBs have the edition listed, or there might be a series of letters, with the letter farthest to the left designating the edition. Example: c d e f g h i j = 3rd.
Check the bottom corner of the last page, near the spine. A letter or double letter corresponds to the edition. Examples: A = 1st, B = 2nd, CC = 29th, etc.
Tess has given a good description but the ABCDEFG are the 1st edition etc.if the letters are abcdefg( lower case) they are 27th and etc.
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I found these books at a Goodwill store and wonder if they have any value. They are all in good condition. Margaret Wise Brown's "*censored* Willow" #302-41. Has the initials IJ. Not sure what this means.
Also, The Big Brown Bear #304-41 LMNOPQRST. Tootle #210-55 MCMXCVI; Childs Garden of Verses, illustrated by Eloise Wilkin #300-9, ABCDEFGHIJ; The Three Bears, illus by F. Rojankorsky, no number on cover, MCMXCIV.
Thanks for your help. I'm just getting into Golden Book collecting.