"My birthday's coming sometime soon,"
Said Duke to little Rover.
"I'll tell you what I'd really like,
And you can think it over.
I'd like a juicy beef steak bone,
A sirloin by the way..... I forget the rest.
I've been trying to find this book as well, did you have any luck?
"My birthday's coming sometime soon,"
Said Duke to little Rover.
"I'll tell you what I'd really like,
And you can think it over.
I'd like a juicy beef steak bone,
A sirloin by the way.
I have one hidden, Rover cried,
It's buried in some hay.
Well, go and get it Duke replied
I would dearly love to munch
We'll pretend today's my birthday
And this bone can be my lunch.
The book is Puppies and Kittens, a LGB, but I haven't been able to find it either.
Your title is very close but it's a Rand McNally Elf Book (similar to a Little Golden Book)
Kittens And Puppies
Author: Burrows, Peggy
Illustrator: Photographs
Copyright: 1955
You can see a cover picture here:
Best of Luck on your Search,
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I am trying to track down a book from my childhood (late 60's/early 70's), and my mom thinks that it might be a LGB. In particular, I am looking for a poem that might have been a part of a LGB dog poem/story book. My mom says that the poem was on the last pages of the book. It reads something like:
"My birthday's coming sometime soon,"
Said Duke to little Rover.
"I'll tell you what I'd really like,
And you can think it over.
I'd like a juicy beef steak bone,
Any ideas? Thank you.