Your title is the Wonder Book # 533, Three Mice and a Cat. Sally-Skip-Under-the-Bed is the name of one of the three mice.
How did you know the name of the book was Three Mice and a Cat and that it was Wonder Book #533? Do you have any idea where I might find a copy of this book?
I know the title because I'm the author of Collecting Little Golden Books. If you'd like to email me I'd be happy to give you a link to the copy I have for sale on my website.
-Steve Santi

Hi Steve,
If you have a copy for sale I would love to buy it. How do I get in touch with you by e-mail? I tried to e-mail you from this site but it didn't seem to work.
Lynda :
Hi Steve,
I have been unable to get into your Web Site to track my book. Can you give my your Webe Site address again. Thanks
Lynda Hallett
Where can I find a copy of this book?
Check ebay from the home page of this site. There is one available right now. Good luck!
I am looking for a copy of Sally Skip Under the Bed or if someone could e-mail me the words to the poem I would appreciate it.