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I recently found that a book by this title was reprinted in 1999 and now goes for ~$300. I have a copy dated 1951 but am curious that the cover has a different picture on it than any other copy I've seen a photo of in my search for one in better shape. This was my mother's book passed to me and well used by both of us. It has duct tape on the spine and I am afraid to give it to my children but take it down occasionally from the top shelf and read it to them. Does anyone know the history of this particular book, written by Jane Werner, illustrated by Garth Williams? Does anyone know why there are different covers (have seen 2 versions other than mine, both dated 1951)? Thanks, Holli

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The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies by Werner and Williams was first published in 1951 with 76 pages. Only the original book in first printing has a huge value. This printing is hard to find with the spine intact. This book is remembered by many and highly sought after so later printings also can sell high. When looking at golden books copyright date cannot be used to tell how old it is. This title was reprinted in 1999. Golden books can go through many changes with the same copyright date. I would look for information on the book as to the printing to help date it.

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