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I have a little golden book Little Black Sambo, it is in good condition, price on the top right corner is 25 cents, the books is 24 pages, edition under the binding says O. What if any is the value of this book? thanks.

Registered: 07/23/03
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This book could have a value of 50.00 or more. It is very hard to give you a value when I have not seen it. Your good condition could be my poor condition....... This is a very sought after golden book story.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I have a Little Black Sambo book with the letter E on the back page, could you tell me the value, condition is good. No tears all pages in tact, cover is good.

Registered: 07/26/03
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[QUOTE BY= bizzy22] I have a little golden book Little Black Sambo, it is in good condition, price on the top right corner is 25 cents, the books is 24 pages, edition under the binding says O. What if any is the value of this book? thanks.[/QUOTE] Big Grin Big Grin

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I have Little BLack Sambo it is a solid blue book written in 1931 at the American Crayon Company. With the Mary Perks trade mark on the front cover. If anyone can tell me what it is worth I would greatly appreciate it. And I can be Emailed at alabama_bush@yahoo.com Thank you

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I have 2 little black sambo books, one in decent shape and the other has some crayon markings, can anybody give me an idea on what these are worth?

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I have a, The Story Of Little Black Sambo Book, Published in New York by Frederick A. Stokes Company Publisher. I was told that this book was published in the early 1900's. It is in good condition for its age. Can anyone tell me the value of this book?

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