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I am interested in finding the little golden book from the early 1950's about Nancy Nurse that had Johnson and Johnson bandaids included.

Registered: 08/02/03
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I have a nurse nancy for sale with band aids contact me thanks Rette

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Is that Nancy Nurse books still for sale? If so how much does it cost?

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I am also interested in finding a copy of the Nurse Nancy book! My mom was just talking about it the other day and she has this operation coming up, so I thought it'd be really fitting for her to get that. If anyone else has a Nurse Nancy book for sale, I would love to barter with you!

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One more thing. If you do have access to a Nurse Nancy book I can buy, PLEASE contact me at josephinekosmalski@hotmail.com

Thank you so much!

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Hi, I'm from Australia and just started using the internet...I have over 1,500 golden books I have been collecting for years and would be very interested in what interest there is in these books as collecting them in Australian hasn't been that keen and I can get them reasonalbly easy here...p.s I have a nurse nancy (no band-aid)and some old books that seem to be on Australian subjects only...thank-you

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I have a 1958 copy of nurse nancy in good shape with the band-aids attached still. I will be listing on Ebay 4/1. JNJCrawford on Ebay.

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If you could email me with your email address I could send you a list of the Australian titles I'm looking for. steve@thesantis.com

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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I feel saistfied after reading that one.

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Ya learn something new evryeady. It's true I guess!

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