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I am so excited that I found this website!! I have been looking for a book I loved as a child and I don't remember the name of it. It is about a little girl who had tea parties with her dolls, played school with them and bunch of other things just like her mom. I was thinking it was called "just like mommy" I am not sure though. If anybody has any idea of what it is called I would appreciate it -determined mommy

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Can you give me a time frame for your book? 1960's or 1980's...thanks

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i do have several resources and i have found 2 books and one is also called barbie vanity version. please let me know if your interested. thanks jennifer Laughing Out Loud

New collector but have well over 600 golden books of all sizes and am depleting my collection any interests please let me know. I gave up trying to understand t
Registered: 09/01/03
Posts: 1
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Can someone please please help. Im desperatley looking for a book I had as a child. It was titled Wendy Won't Eat the year would be around 1968-70. I have been searching the internet for quite some time on this one. It was a little golden book. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks. wendy

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I too am looking for this book, itis titled "Little Mommy" by Sharon Kane. It was written in 1967 and as far as I know released as a first edition only; therefore is a rare book. I've seen it on eBay, with bids exceeding $100. I have a copy of this book myself, unfortunately it has the first few pages and both covers missing, so it was only yesterday that I discovered its title and author. It was my favourite book as a child, I read it thousands of times right up until my teens. Keep searching on ebay .. they come and go! Good luck.

Registered: 09/08/03
Posts: 1
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Mommy on a mission ..please contact me via of email. thanks, goldhunt

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hi mommy on a mission, the book you are describing sounds very much like My Dolly and me or it could also be Little Mommy which to me is a newer version of My Dolly and Me.

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I just read your post and the book you are asking about is called "Little Mommy" and there are two of them on ebay as of today 2/15/09.
It's one of my favorites. Smile

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I have as many Little Mommys as you could want. Check out my website at www.schultzsllc.com. Thanks, Dick

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