D6 has 42 pages and a first edition has a value of 25.00. The book has some black and white pages. D85 is a shortened version as it only has 24 pages in the book. It has a value of around 10.00 I have three different cover variations of this book. The picture is essentially the same with variations to colors and printing.
Thanks for the info, however, I am looking for a bit more about the D6 version. In the Santi book, D6 cover is a picture of Brer Rabbit and the tar baby (very similar or same as D85). What I'm trying to find out about is the white cover I described before. It is also numbered D6, but is not mentioned in a description in the Santi book. What cover do you have? Do the different covers of the D6 versions make a difference in price?
Sorry, I was sleeping on that one. The D6 has the noose cover. The D6 MMC binding has the new picture with the bunny . The D 6 noose cover has three different variations in title colors. I am still looking for an 'A' version. I would not call it a white cover but it is sky blue with white clouds...the price will not vary much.
Ah Ha! It is the MMC cover in the Santi book. Do you have a duplicate copy of any of your D6 versions you would like to sell?
Good job mankig it appear easy.
I was looking everywhere and this popepd up like nothing!
Uncle Remus - I have D85. Looking for D6, but saw a different cover (onEbay) than the one shown in Santi book. It is white and has Brer Bear and Brer Fox putting a noose around Brer Rabbit's neck while he's sleeping. Do you happen to know if this one contains different stories than the one with the Brer Rabbit and tar-baby cover? Is the value different? Any info would be helpful.