I just looked out on ebay, and there are a couple of LGBs on Nurse Nancy.
mary strong
I have a nice copy of Nurse Nancy. Please let me know if you are interested. Chris
I have an old falling-apart copy of "Sally Skip Under the Bed." I'm not interested in selling, but would gladly send the entire poem (that's what it is--a poem set to pictures) if you wanted that info. It's great!!! "A wicked black cat who was named Stanislaus declared he'd eat every mouse in the house. He said he'd eat Robert, he said he'd eat Ned, he said he'd eat Sally-skip-under-the-bed!" That's part of it from memory. Enjoy! Ellen
I am looking for a copy of the book "Sally Skip Under the Bed." I would love to buy one or if someone has it, if they could e-mail me with the words. My mother read it to me so many times back in the 50's that she memorized it. She is 78 years old now and I would love to give her a copy of this book or the words to the poem.
Your title for, Sally-Skip-Under-the-Bed, is the Wonder Book # 533, Three Mice and a Cat. Sally-Skip-Under-the-Bed is the name of one of the three mice.
I am also looking for this book/poem/story. I can only remember ' One was named Stanislaus . One was named Ned, and one was named Sally-skip-under-the-bed." I would so very much like to have a copy of the poem just to be able to read it once again. Thank you.
Hi- I have brand new copies of all Golden Books and they are all $3.99, including Nurse Nancy and Dr. Dan. My site is www.schultzsllc.com. Thanks, Dick
I am looking for two golden books that I remember from childhood.
One was called Nurse Nancy
I cannot recall the name of the second one. All I remember is a
line from it: ...and one was called Ned and one was called Sally Skip Under the Bed.
If anyone knows anything about these books I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thanks a lot. Mary