I do not remember golden books as a child but do have a photo of my brother and cousin with my grandmother reading 'A Day in the Jungle.' My children's favorite was ' A Day on the Farm.' Thanks so much for the wonderful comments on this site......we try.
hi Goldhunt. My childrens favourites were for my son...Cars and for my daughter...Return to Oz.
Scuffy the Tugboat! My favorite Tell-A-Tale was "Who Am I?"
Definitely Walt Disney's Bunny Book - I still love the beautiful colors. It was only as an adult that I realized the book deals with the death of 'Great Grandpa Bunny Bunny'. It means even more to me now since the death of my own Grandpa - who spent many many hours telling reading and telling stories to this little bunny. I think that trying to find a copy of that book got me started trying to replace many of my childhood favorites.
I am looking for the title but it was about a puppy who gets in trouble at home and runs away, I think his name is csaddle but I don't know if that's the name of the book.
Maybe this could be Walt Disney's Scamp D63 or Walt Disney's Scamp's Adventure D70 - I think Scamp was one of the puppies from Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp movie - little grey one who looked like the Tramp. (Recent sequel movie: Lady and the Tramp II, Scamp's Adventure)?
My favorite was called Baby Looks.(At at least I think that is what it was called) It started out with the line 'What are the things that baby see's as he crawls about on his hands and knees). Then there was 'Too Little Bear' and I would dearly love to find them both again. Sandi
Baby Looks is a little golden book title and the words that begin the book are as you remember them but beginning with an 'Oh,'. It can be found on ebay. Go to the home page on this website and click on the ebay logo and search baby looks golden book.
I know that Too Little Bear is not a little golden book title or other childrens books of that size because it is not found in any of the guidebooks I have.
My favorite LGB was Tawny, Scrawny Lion.
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I have 2. My Dolly and Me and The Twins. I had been thinking about My dolly and me for many many years, when i saw the pic of it on ebay i recognised it immediately. i bought it and when i finally got it in my hands, i was in 7th heaven. my memories of the book were very sketchy but when i looked thru it, i remembered nearly every detail and the pics evoked very strong memories for me. I had completely forgotten about The Twins until once again i saw it on ebay. i also bought it and i remember how i loved it when the girls got their hair cut and those brownies. Living in Australia, i had no idea what a brownie was but i know that i certainly wanted one.