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I'm trying to find a little golden book that was my favorite when I was little. My parents read it to me so many times that it simply fell apart. My mom kept all my books from my childhood and I have pulled them out now that I am a mom, but my favorite book is not there Frown

It was a counting book with ryhmes. "one little puppy alone as he can be, isn't there a boy or girl who wants to play with me? Two furry purry kittens look alike because each furry purry kitten has two white paws. Mommy horse and daddy horse are proud as they can be, because they have a baby horse, and baby horse makes three" I know there was another part that went "high in the sky in the shape of a V how many wild geese do you see? hurry and count them as they fly, you will see # geese and so will I."

I want desperately to find a copy of this book to read to my daughter. can anyone help?

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Hi, is the book your looking for called "Counting Rhymes"? if so I have a copy Smile

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Would you believe my mom found a copy in a used book store? It's My First Counting Book. Thanks so much for your help though!

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no problem Smile

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