It is not a Golden Book as far as I can remember. I have it in a box in my attic. I will look and let you know. It is a bigger book
than the Little Golden Books. Maybe an Elf Book or something similar. I know I am not much help, but I do know what you are
talking about.
Jenny Wren's New House.
A Cozy Corner Book.
I tried to copy the picture off Amazon, but no luck. Look it up there. I am sure it is the book you are talking about.
Jenny Wren's New House by Kay. Ilustrated By Irma Wilde Patton(1954)
Isn't it fun when you find someone else who remembers what you remember?
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I am looking for the title of a Golden Book about a wren that makes a nest in a pocketbook. The mother and children go to the shore for the summer and the mother leaves her purse in the car. A wren builds a nest in the purse and the mother and children have to think of ways to be self-sufficient without money until the little wrens leave the nest. As I recall it was beautifully illustrated. Does anyone remember the title?