It is very difficult to grade and price books, sight unseen. I looked at your titles and found nothing I thought to be very valuable......I reccommend you get the golden book guidebook I advertise to learn how to grade and price. It also can be gotten through your local lending library.
could you give me an idea of the value of these books they are all "First Edtions"
The Waltons and the Birthday present 49cents
@ 1975 by Lorimar Productions, Inc.
(This is the only date or number on this book so Im assuming first edition?)
Disney's POCAHONTAS {The Voice of the Wind}
@ 1995 The Walt Disney Company
Walt Disneys Winnie the Poo (Eeyore, Be Happy)
@ 1991 The Walt Disney Company
Tweety and Sylvester in Birds of a Feather (Paper Back)
@ 1992 Warner Bros, Inc
The Nutcracker
@1991 Western Pub Com
a BIG little Golden Book
The Grab-Bag Party
Copyright @ 1986 by Betsy Maestro
( A B C D E F G H I J)
When Oscar Was a Little Grouch
@ 1989 Childerens Televison Workshop
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M}
a FIRST little Golden Book
Martha's house 69cents
Text Copyright @ 1982 by Western Pub Com
{A B C D E F G H I J}
The Baby-Sitter Blues
Warner Bros, Inc. @ 1993
I can Dress Myself 69cents
@ 1983 Childrens Television Workshop.
{A B C D E F G H I J)
A Golden Tell-A-Tale Book
Farm Animals
@ 1992 Western Pub Com, Inc
Circus Mouse
Copyright @ 1986 by Western Pub Com
{ A B C D E F G H I J}
Puppies on Parade
@ 1989 Western Pub Com
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M}
Disneys ( Beauty and the Beast)
@ 1993 The Walt Disney Comp
@ 1954,1972 by Walt Disney ( no other #s or dates)
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
Copyright @ 1986 by Western Pub Com
{ A B C D E F G H I J}
A Golden Sturdy Shape Book
Fluffy Duckling
@ 1992 Cyndy Szekers
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (City Sounds)
@ 1996 The Walt Disney Comp
Disney Babies (Baby Donalds Busy Play Group)
@ 1988 The Walt Disney Comp
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M)
Walt Disneys Pinocchio ( Disney Movie Greats) Paper Back
@ 1986 The Walt Disney Comp
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M}
Garfields Longest Catnap ( Look-Look Bk) Paper Back
Copyright @ 1989 United Feature Syndicate
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M}
Duck Tales ( Dinosaur Valley) Look-Look Bk) Paper
@ 1990 The Walt Disney Comp
{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M}
Trick or Treat Little Critter (Paper back)
Copyright @ 1993 Gina and Mercer Mayer
Golden Books Disneys POCAHONTAS (Paper)
@ 1995 The Walt Disney Comp
Golden (a Golden Melody Bk)
We wish you a merry Christmas
Copyright @ 1983 by Western Pub Com
{ A B C D E F G H I J)
These are my (Second Edition Bks) a little Golden Books
Walt Disney Mother Goose
Copyright @ 1952, 1949 by Walt Disney Prod
{ b c d e f g h i j}
Grovers Own Alphabet
@ 1978 Childrens Televison Workshop
{ B C D E F G H I J}
a BIG Littel Golden Bk
The Best Nickname
Copyright @ 1996 by Western Pub Com
{ B C D E F G H I J}
A Golden Tell-A-Tale Bk
Donald Duck on Tom Sawyers Island
Copyright @ 1960 by Walt Disney Prod
{ B C D E F G H I J}
a Little Golden Bk ( Paper Back)
Mickey Mouse Heads for the Sky
@ 1987 The Walt Disney Comp
{ B C D E F G H I J K L M}
Detective Mickey Mouse(Paper Back)
@ 1985 The Walt Disney Comp
{ B C D E F G H I J}
GREMLINS ( To catch a Gremlin) Paper back
@ 1984 by Warner Bros, Inc
{ B C D E F G H I J}
Peter Pan Saves the Day ( Paper Back) Classic Value Series
@ 1987 The Walt DIsney Comp
{ B C D E F G H I J K L M}
A Golden STURDY Shape Bk
Berts Beautiful Sights
@ 1990 Childrens Televsion Workshop
{ B C D E F G H I J K L M}