We have a similar book called "Spring Snow". It's about a farmer and his wife, the Peppins, who experience a large snowfall in the spring. It snows and snows, and then the sun finds out and gets angry, and the snow melts and melts. And it ends with a classic closing line " Now....there are people who never believe anything and who will say, "This story is not true. It could not happen. It is impossible." Never mind. True stories seldom make good tales." Not sure if this is the same book but my Mom and I both thought of the same book. It's by Roger Duvoisin
Your looking for the Rand McNally Elf Book, Surprise! Author: Lucy Ozone original copyright 1956.
lgbsteve, the book I am looking for is about snow. I Googled the book you mentioned and it shows a boy, girl, and some animals on the cover but it doesn't look like a snow book--are you sure? Thanks in advance--still searching for the book!
Correct. That's the Surprise.
At the end of the book the children look out there window and see the snow.
Best Wises -Steve Santi
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A friend remembers a book from her childhood, possibly a Little Golden book, and at the end it says "Surprise! It Snowed!"
Does anyone know if this is indeed a Little Golden book, and if not, does this sound familiar to anyone else? It would be a book of some vintage, my friend is in her late 50's. Thanks for any help!