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"A baby is soft, a baby is small, a baby is special...." Lost when she was 3. A shape book with a baby's face on the cover. Called "The Baby Book" or something like that. 32 years of searching secondhand shops - don't let me die without finding another copy.

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It may take a long time, maybe months, but you can probably find a copy on one of the many used-book websites online. The name of the book is The Baby Book, a Golden Shape Book, illustrated by Eloise Wilkin. I did see a copy on ebay a couple of months ago, no copies right now, but every day books get listed. I think that copy was going for about $10; prices do vary quite a lot, but since it's an Eloise Wilkin book, it probably won't be much cheaper. She is probably the best-known, best-loved illustrator of Little Golden Books and others. Steve Santi, the author of Collecting Little Golden Books, has a website, thesantis.com, with vintage books for sale. Lots of others to check: Amazon, biblio.com, abebooks, barnes&noble, alibris, to name a few. I like to check around several sites to get the best price & condition.

Keep at it and you'll probably find it; some of her books are harder to find, I don't know about this one. You can have ebay do a "saved search" where they will email you daily with new listings (try "Golden Shape Book" or "Eloise Wilkin books"). I've had great success finding vintage books online with these methods. I even found recently on ebay a 1950's Jolly Book I owned as a child, which I practically NEVER had seen online anywhere; it took about a year of waiting. So I think your book probably won't take that long. If I see a copy anywhere, I'll be glad to let you know on this website forum. Best wishes and happy hunting!

Registered: 07/21/09
Posts: 67
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I believe I have one extra.I work election today but will check tomorrow. the moderator

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Thankyou Goldhunt, I look forward to hearing from you after the election. I live in Australia but I'd be happy to get it from whatever source wherever in the world.

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Sorry, I must have sold it. I cannot find it in my doubles. I would continue to search ebay often. I would search baby book shape eloise wilkin. Make sure you click on titles and description. Good luck
I did look at my copy and the words are exactly remembered. The cost could run as high as 40.00.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I have it!! My mom bought it for me when I was a baby because she says it's exactly what I looked like. If you see this message, even though it's now 2018, 8 years after your request. then email me!

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