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Hi! I just went on a book buying outing and in the pile that I grabbed there was a book called: Come Play House, it says on the front "A Little Silver Book", in the top left corner it has 1203 and underneath of it the 19 cents price. The only date is the copyright date of 1948. The author is Edith Osswald, and it was illustrated by Eloise Wilkin. I'm just curious about it because I have never seen a little silver book, or even knew of them existing. Any information about this book would be great!!

Thanks!! Big Grin

Registered: 07/13/10
Posts: 7
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There are 14 titles in the Little Silver Book group. Most sell for 3-5 dollars. You have one illustrated by Eloise wilkin so your value could go as high as 10.00.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Thank you for the response. I was just really curious about the Silver part, I didn't know they even existed! I already love this little book, the illustrations are so cute! I hope I can find another one of the same title, only in bad shape so that I can use the last illustration in my wedding scrapbook!! :0)

Registered: 07/13/10
Posts: 7
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