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I think they're all from the 80's-90's, 47 titles listed below.... If you're interested or have any questions, let me know via email... and which titles - all or some with an offer. beckermans@live.com Also, pictures available upon request.

The Red Jacket Mix-Up

Bialosky and the Big Parade Mystery

The House That Had Enough

Little Racoon Takes Charge

Bugs Bunny and The Health Hog

The Pandas Take a Vacation

The Animal's Merry Christmas

The Grab-Bag Party

Peter Pan in Tinkerbell and the Pirates

Little Raccoon's Nighttime Adventure

Little Sister

A Sleep-Over Visit

The Secret Life of Walter Kitty

The Very Best Home For Me!

Benji - Fastest Dog in the West

Pound Puppies - Problem Puppies

The Store Bought Doll

Rainy Day Play Book

Santa's Toy Shop

The Christmas Tree That Grew

I'll Share With You

Barney's Sand Castle

The Three Little Kittens

Animal Homes

When Dog Was Little

Henry and Theresa's Race

Dog Goes to Nursery School

Over in the Meadow

A Sleepy Story

Sesame Street - I Can Dress Myself

My Little Mother Goose

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

It's Bedtime

Who Says That - A First Book of Animal Sounds

Five Little Bunnies

I Like to Help My Mommy

Katie The Kitten

Max Helps Out

Richard Scarry's The Gingerbread Man

The Christmas Pageant

The Poky Little Puppy's Wonderful Winter Day

Bambi and the Butterfly

Happy Easter, Mother Duck

My Little Book of Prayers

I Can Fly

Little Duck's Moving Day

Simon Visits The Doctor

Registered: 07/07/10
Posts: 1
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