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Hi there, please please help me!!
I'm trying to find my imaginary friend Patrick. He was in a Golden Book story. For memory with Jiminy Cricket. Patrick was a Leprechaun & that's all I remember. I would love to see Patrick again & introduce him to my 5yr old son Jack. Does anyone have any recollection of a story with these two in it? I've tried so many different ways to find the title of the story with no luck. Both my parents are gone now so I can't ask them so I'm hoping you can help me.Confused

Registered: 03/12/10
Posts: 3
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I've got a golden book called "Little Man of Disneyland" and it has Patrick Begorra in it - not Jiminy Cricket though. It's about when Disneyland was first built and Patrick lived in one of the Orange Trees they had to take down.

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Thankyou so so much for your help!!!!!!

Registered: 03/12/10
Posts: 3
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