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This is a question which hopefully Steve or some other expert can answer for me. I saw a book on ebay titled "The Magic Wish and other Johnny and Jane Stories", c. 1949, illustrated by Corinne Malvern. It's a Golden Storybook, #2 in the series, much larger than regular LGB's, about 128 pages. Looks interesting, also on Amazon; several copies for reasonable prices. So I'm wondering: how many other books were published in this series, and what are their titles? This series is not in the Santi reference book, at least the 4th edition which I have. Anyone know anything about this series? Thanks for your help!

Registered: 07/21/09
Posts: 67
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Hi, I'm following up to my previous question on the Golden Story Book line. I revisited Steve Santi's website, thesantis.com, and this time I did find the section listing this line. 128 pages each, much longer than a regular Golden Book! So, question's answered--thanks for the great website, Steve!

Registered: 07/21/09
Posts: 67
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