Hello--one of my favorites from the 1940's/50's is titled "Guess Who Lives Here?" illustrated by the beloved Eloise Wilkin, LGB #60. The milkman is one of the characters described with clues as to who he is, and then text reads "Guess who it is?"; next page, "he's the milkman" with a picture of him delivering milk to the family's home. My granddaughters were recently introduced to this "guessing" story, and they loved it (though it took a bit of explaining about milkmen and their function in bygone days). The family has a little boy named Terry and a baby sister, unnamed in the story. Is this the one? Hope this helps!
If Guess Who Lives Here is the book you would like, I still have one copy on my website, www.schultzsllc.com. Thanks, Dick
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This was my favorite golden book as a very young child, but I only remember the pictures, as I couldn't read. Does anyone remember a story with a milk man delivering milk?