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I am a teacher and over the years I have aquired so many books in one way or another. I was recently cleaning my shelves and have found many Golden Shape books from the 60's and 70's. Some are in great shape and others are pretty well worn. Some of the titles I have include; Scuffy the Tugboat, The Raggedy Ann and Andy Book, The Firehouse Book, Lassie and her Friends, Tootle, The Poky Little Puppy, and several others. Any idea what these might be worth? Is there a market for these? I have framed my favorites but was thinking of selling the rest. Thanks for your help!

Registered: 08/07/09
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Most shape books are worth 1-3 dollars. There are a few titles tht have larger value becasue of the illustrator or author.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I want the Tootle book IF it's the softcover, shaped, condensed version. I can get the hardcover, full version anywhere, but it's wordy and really pretty boring. The condensed book cuts out the extra wordiness.

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I would like the Raggedy Ann and Andy book, and the Pokey Little Puppy if you would like to sell them!

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