Ah! I love this story! I used to have the Golden Book video of it, and it was my favorite. If I'm correct about where you are the next page should be....
"Those noises you heard were little spiders getting ready for bed, the tap was a little spider who had finished brushing his teeth and was tapping the water off his toothbrush, the rap was the rap of his hairbrush as he laid it down on the dresser after brushing his hair, and the snap was the light being turned out by his mother when she came back to tuck him in to say good night. "Oh" said the two bears. Now let's go to sleep said the biggest brother bear"
I think that's verbatim or quite close!
I hope this helps =). It's nice to know that story is still being enjoyed.
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I have a Golden Look-Look Book called "What Was That" by Geda Bradley Mathews. The copyright is 1977, so it must have been my husbands as a little boy. I remember the story, also, but we are missing a page. I was hoping someone had a copy and could just tell me about the little spider after baby bear and big brother bear get in bed with the older brother and they've heard a tap, rap and snap. I think it deals with a toothbrush. My son loves this book and I just make up the missing parts, but I would really like to know exactly what's on that page. Can anyone help?