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I have this book titled Walt Disney's Lady. It's dated 1954. I think it leans toward fine condition, but maybe that's the hopeful side of me. Smile It was 29 cents and the # underneath that is D103. Does anyone know what the value of it might be? I have probably 100 LGB, but this seems to be the oldest one. (I will be selling my collection soon though.) Thanks for your help.


Registered: 06/20/09
Posts: 2
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Is there anyone out there? C'mon I'm only asking about the oldest of my books. At least I'm not giving you an entire list. Just one itty bitty book. Question

Thank you

Registered: 06/20/09
Posts: 2
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One recently sold on Ebay for $1.99.

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D103 in the first printing and mint condition would have a value of 7.00. Any later printing or worse condition would lower that price.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I Just wanted to let you know that in near mint condition of this book was was selling for $29 on ebay!

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Someone is asking $29 on Ebay for this 3rd edition. Now will just have to wait and see if anyone really wants to buy a "C" edition for that price. Selling and Asking are two different things

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