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Hi! Recently I have been on the search for what I believe was "a little golden book" that my mom used to read to me when I was younger.. It was my absolute favorite, but I was very little and don't recall the name. It was about a little baby girl with short blonde hair she was probably 1 or 2..I remember on one page she was seeing the planes, trains, and automobiles..and then on another page she was seeing her shadow on the pavement (or sand) because of the sun..Basically it seemed to be about a little girl and her different expierences from her prospective, I know this is pretty vague, but I am 95 percent sure that it was of the golden books.. I have looked and looked online under different golden book websites and haven't had any luck, and I know there are hundreds out there... I really hope this rings a bell for anyone, thanks alot!!

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Hi Nicole-I just acquired a Little Golden Book titled "How Big?" , written and illustrated by Corinne Malvern. I've been reading it to my grandchildren; there are pages that show the little blond toddler looking at a train, a plane, cars, and his/her shadow. The theme of the book is comparing toddler's size to many other things in his/her world, some smaller and some larger. The last two pages read "How big are you, Baby? Well, this much I'll say--you'll be bigger tomorrow than you are today!" The book was first published in 1949 and later in the 1970's. Could this be the book you're looking for? Hope this helps you in your search!

Registered: 07/21/09
Posts: 67
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