Hi Ravikka--The book you recall is most likely "The Very Best Home for Me", by Jane Werner Watson, illustrated by Garth Williams. There are several different LGB #'s, denoting different years published--my copy dates from the 1980's. The original book was copyright 1953 and was LGB #167, with different title "Animal Friends"; the next edition was dated 1965 and #560, still titled "Animal Friends". The title was changed to "The VBH for Me" and published in 1981, #304-25; my copy of Steve Santi's "Collecting Little Golden Books, 4th ediition, also shows three other LGB #'s; I think it has been published many times, may be one that is still in print today, don't know though. Check online--you'll probably find it without too much trouble. Hope this helps!
I used to have a little Golden Book when I was a kid but I can hardly recall it. I know it had a bunch of animals living in a tree, and there was a squirrel that hid his nuts everywhere driving the other animals crazy. Please help me find the name of this book!