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I am new to this forum. I am had a big idea my mother should purchase these books for all of her grandchildren as she and my dad ARE "grandma and grandpa smith". I had no idea this wasn't in print anymore. Now she is set on getting these books and writing a special memory of each grandchild who gets it in the front cover. HELP........is there anyplace I can find VERY GOOD condition or even GOOD condition copies of this book. I am going to need around 15. I have searched and searched and short of ordering from 15 different people or places I am lost!

If anyone could help me or has more than one they are willing to sell, I am not interested in misprints and such. Value isn't an issue other than it be in good shape.

Thanks so much!!

Registered: 11/21/08
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The book is out of print. There are quite a few copies on sale at ebay right now. I would search it over a month's time and I believe you will recieve that number of copies. Good luck!

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