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I am not even sure it was a Little Golden Book, but I have been trying to find a book about a little girl who wakes up on a hot morning and her father is to take her to a fair. I was a child in the 1960's, so it would be from that era I believe. There is talk about the colour of the clouds, and the heat, and she and her father buy fairy floss and she is very tired as they leave. Again, there is talk about the sky and the colours of the clouds (pink) as they leave to go home. I have many Little Golden Books and I have searched for a long time for this one - does anyone know the book? Thank you for any clarification you can give me.

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The little golden book titled Circus Time #31 could be the book you seek. Molly woke up early and it will be a hot day. There is a knock on the door and it is dad to take her to the circus. They talk about how early it is, the colors in the sky-pink, yellow and not so gray, and it is getting hotter.They watch the circus set up, the circus parade around town. it is very hot and they go home for lunch. They then go to the show still talking about the colors of the sky. They are very hungry and eat peanuts, ice cream cones and spun sugar on a stick plus cracker jack. Daddy carries Molly home becasue she is so tired. There are two golden books titled Circus Time. The second is A2 and activity book with a much shortened story.

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