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I was wondering if anyone could help me. My sister and myself won a set of 4 golden books when we were kids (early 70s). The 4 books were big and about an inch thick each. Each a different color. They came in a single box almost like a display box. They slid into the box with the binder side out so you could read them. We won them in a coloring contest. They were full of different stories etc. My sister ended up with them and I was wanting to find a set for my two small children. Does anyone know what set I am talking about? if so, any ideas where to find a set? Thanks

Registered: 11/10/08
Posts: 1
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Hello, I believe what u r referring 2 is the little golden book library, there are 4 books that slide into a sleeve.

the four books are:
Fairy Tales and Rhymes
Our wonderful World
Golden Favorites
Bedtime Stories

I was just about to sell them on e-bay, if you would like to purchase reply.


Have a nice day,

Registered: 11/18/08
Posts: 1
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I was wondering if you still have those books. If you do how much would you like for them?

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I too am looking for The Little Golden Book Library set with "Golden Favourites, The Wonderful world, Bedtime Stories and Fairy tales and Rhymes". I am from Australia and have lost my set and would like to purchase another to pass on to my son. Please respond to carleyandchris@bigpond.com. Thank you

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