I have checked The Little Golden Holiday Book and the Little Golden book of Holidays without finding the photos of which you speak...I will keep looking
Golden Books
I'm wondering if it is My Christmas Treasury?
Bingo...there is a story about a white bear and Santa called the Lights on the Christmas Tree. They needed a rainbow to have on the tree but it breaks so easily. Bear's feet slipped and it broke and they placed the colored pieces on for lights. There is also a story of Christmas around the World. In The Netherlands Saint Nicholas rides through the streets with nuts and sweets and returns at night to fill the wooden shoes.
Thank you!!!!! I'm so excited to get a hold of this book now!
The one I looked at had a green cover and is for sale on ebay as we write....good luck.
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I was trying to find out about a book I had when I was little. I think it was about the holidays and talked about different ones? I seem to remember St. Nick with a little white bear and he dropped something colorful so they put all of those pieces on the Christmas tree? I remember the book talking about one country and they put out their wooden shoes? Does this sound familiar at all and does anyone know the name of the book?!