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Hello everyone,

The book I'm seeking tells of a kitten whose family moves to a new house and takes the kitten with them. A possibly useful detail: at one point, the kitten has to eat tuna from a can, as nothing is unpacked. Likely, the book was published sometime before 1952 or 3.

No one seems to have published an online comprehensive list of LGB titles. Anyone interested in putting such a thing together?

Thanks for any help.

Registered: 08/24/08
Posts: 3
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There is an alphabetical listing of lgb on this website under my books.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Hi Goldhunt,

Well, I did see that and checked it, but the post refers to it as "my Little Golden Books," so I was uncertain whether that meant all published titles, or the ones you'd collected. Is it, then, a completer list?

Thanks for responding, in any case.

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oops--meant "a complete list."

Registered: 08/24/08
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Without buying a guidebook this is about as complete as you can get up to the time I published it. They are still being printed so there are editions not on it. They wouldn't be in a guidebook printed a couple years ago either. As far as my collection, I collect all variations in cover, edition, pages, text, so my listing of my collection is thousandfs of titles long. For instance I have 14 Jack in the Beanstalk. The list is alphabetical titles of little golden books. Does this help?

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Yes; that makes it much clearer. Welcome news, too. It'd be unreasonable to expect an "up-to-date" list, of course. In any event, I'm concerned about the first two decades.

Thanks; I'll go through it.

Registered: 08/24/08
Posts: 3
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