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  (Read 4068 times)  

When I was a little girl my favorite of all the little Golden Books was one about a group of animals that lived in a tree in the woods. The animals were afraid Santa would forget them because there was no way for him to know they lived in the tree, so all the animals of the tree got together and decorated the tree for Santa.

Now I have a little boy of my own, and I'd like him to know the story, and hopefully like it too. However, I can't even begin to look for the book because I can't remember the title of it. If you know the title, can you help me out?

Much Appreciated-Lissa

Registered: 02/04/08
Posts: 1
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Hi Lissa,

I think you are looking for "The Biggest Most Beautiful Christmas Tree" by Amye Rosenberg. There are a few on eBay and a few on Amazon.com's Marketplace.

My brothers and I loved that book as well; thanks for reminding me to put it on my list!


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Have you found one? I have one.

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I have two " The Biggest Most Beautiful Christmas Tree" books that never have been read. If you are interested go to http://www.lisleusedbooks.com

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