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Hi! This is the first time ever posting here. So please forgive me if I goof up.

I have the book listed in the topic. It is in Near Fine condition. Corners bumped, Blue spine lightly faded. Name in pencil inside front cover.

I'm going to list it on ebay, but i want to be sure I'm listing it correctly.

Would this be considered a First Edition/Eighth Printing?

It States "Eighth Printing.", how can I find out when that was?

The copyright date listed is 1942. I just don't know how frequently they re-printed.

Any info you can provide will be greatly appreciated! Big Grin


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I just read your FAQ's so I thought I'd add to my original post.

There is NO letter or number line.

No letter inside back cover near spine (yes, I'm sure).

There are 21 Pages.

Thanks again!

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Your book is not a first edition. It states eighth printing in the front of the blue spined book which means it originally had a dust jacket.In the beginning there were many printings a year.We cannot determine when it was printed and it is not important. We know it is an early book( blue spine), eighth printing, 42 pages. The condition of the book is important. From your description bumped and faded, I would call it good at best.This book had two different covers. My First Book with a child peeking through the fingers has a larger value than My First Book with a child standing over a book. I am guessing yours is the first from the edition and would have a value of 10-20 dollars

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Thank you for responding Big Grin

Darn! I keep hoping to find that elusive one that will make me millions!! LOL

Mine is the one with the child bent over, opening the book. For clarification, is a "First Edition" ONLY the first printing? SO much to learn!

I purchased a box of old childrens books a few weeks ago. Most are from the 40's. I've been researching them for weeks now and have been pulling my hair out! There are some very unusual ones. This book, while not "unusual", was with this group.

Do you have knowledge of books other than "Golden Books" from that era? After much thought and research (some unsuccessful), I decided to let the Collectors determine their value and went ahead and listed them on ebay. If you have a chance, would you take a look and see if you recognize any of these that I couldn't find info on? Please? They are listed now on ebay, my ID is: timeless*quality*classics

Here's a link:

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I would suggest a guidebook by Santi to help you with the other childrens books...

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I have a Warman's, but it's at my daughter's house right now...

Is there a book you would suggest (Santi?) that covers many different types of Childrens Books? Or are they pretty specific by genre? Sorry, I'm not very knowledgable about this... Confused

I have another "Golden Book" that's NOT in my Warman's. (sp?) I cannot find it referrenced anywhere (Abebooks, Addall, Alibris, Fedpo, Worldcat or eBay). I believe it is from the 50's based on the graphics. Here's a description of it:

A Golden Book #11249
"What Do I Hear?"
Cardboard Pages (8)
10-1/2 x 7"
Author: Not Listed
Illus: Not Listed (pictures instead of drawings)
Copyright: Not Listed
Publisher: Golden Press - Western Pub Co, Wis.
Also listed across the bottom of inside cover is the following: "World rights reserved by Shinwa Trading Co. Japan" and "Stuffed Dachshund and Stuffed Kitten by Bell & Bell Toymakers of England"

Synopsis: This book reflects the stuffed Kitty & Dog "Hearing" things, Phone, Vacuum, Etc..

Do you have any knowledge of this book?

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What Do I Hear? 11249 was published around late 1972. It's numbering could be confusing because books 11250 - 11257 were released earlier for this board book series. - Steve Santi

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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