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Can anyone recall a LGB - I think it was called George the Pig. It was about a pig that ate too many doughnuts, blew up like a balloon and then rained doughnuts on the village below...? Could be 30 years old.

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I have been searching for this book since Mom threw it out so many years ago! Everyone thinks I am crazy b/c they have not heard of it. Please, please, please, let me know if you are able to find the title......I too just knew it as George the Pig who ate too many donuts......

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Title: What Happened to George? This title is a Rand McNally Elf Book

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
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I have searched for years for "George the Pig"! No one has believed me either-thank you for validating my insanity!

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I can't remember what happened to George... perhaps he was sacrificed to feed the village... I've just had my first baby and am trying to get all my faves from when I was a kid and George is one of them. Please, someone... FIND GEORGE!!!!!

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www.seriesbooks.com list it, I am waiting to see if they have one!

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Laughing Out Loud I googled goldenbooks, doughnuts, pig and I got this website. Thanks alot! I'm still searching. I'm glad I'm not the only one. When I tell the story, no one knows what I'm talking about either. We're in good company. (smile) It left a big impression on me. I'm 51 and would love to see it again!
Tina Sheffield

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There are about 7 for sale.....one on ebay at 24.99...6 on abebooks from 40-110 dollars.You can find one cheaper if you want to wait and keep looking..

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I'm looking for George the Pig too; as I recall it was sort of sweetly gruesome in that George literally exploded after eating all the dough nuts that his mother made for a church bazaar. I have an image of an illustration (the last one in the book) of George wearing wings and a halo and (presumably) floating up to heaven. Even as a very young child (I'm now 54), I recognized the dark humor in the book, and the adults in my life found it hilarious. I've told my husband about it and we've decided to see if we can find a copy. So far we've been unsuccessful. I stumbled across this forum while searching for it. Big Grin

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I have a copy of George the Pig for sale. For information contact: pambower@cox.net.

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