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I believe the book was a Golden book, the cover had a little girl in a yellow dress brown hair. The stoy line was that she collected dolls from everywhere but loved each one. The ending pages shows her in a yellow full southern bell type dress with her dolls. Does anyone know what the title and author of this book might be? I know it's a long shot but I'm hopeful.

Please email for suggetions: gpedder@nc.rr.com

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There is not a golden book that I know of with a yellow dress on the cover. I looked through the guidebooks at cover pictures of golden and other childrens' series.

Two storylines have dolls from other lands:
Dolls from Other Lands Ding Dong School Book The cover is a girl in a chair with three dolls but the dress looks dark colored( black and white picture).
The Surpise Doll Wonder Book This story is about a sea captain who brings dolls from lands he visits home to his girl and the last doll he brings looks like her!

I am not familiar with the inside pages of this books because they are not golden. The second book is highly sought after by persons who remember the storyline that is why I know the book.

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I think that is the same book I have been looking for for a long long time. I too, loved this book as a little girl. My book has a little girl with a wagon pulling her dolls all dressed in costumes of the world.
I thought it was a Golden Book but maybe not. This is a book from the late 40's or early 50's.
I'm sorry but I don't know the name of it either.
So strange we would want the same book!

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The girl does pull her wagon in the, Surprise Doll. Depending on when you owned it the book was abridged. The original story from 1949 had 42 pages. The most common edition found on ebay contains around 24.

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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