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Hi, I have the above book, and was wondering if this is a first printing? The front shows 3 children standing around a lamb? and 2 other children slightly off to the left a little further in the background. The cover is a light green, has the code 300-10 in the upper right corner. any info would be appreciated.

Registered: 07/08/07
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Code 300-10 is not shown as a first edition. You should go to the FAQ and check the different ways first editions are marked. I believe 300-2 is the first edition of this book.

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when was it printed?: Oops! i'm finding the faq somewhat confusing. there's so much to look for!! Cry

Registered: 07/08/07
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300-2 was 1961
300-60 was 1990
Somewhere between the two( I know it is not even close)...closer to 1961
If you look under FAQ and determining the edition. This 4 or 5 digit books usually have the list of alphabet in the front by title info.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Your answer shows real inetlligecne.

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