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Hi, this is my first post. I own the book Day At The Beach by Corinne Malvern, but unfortunately I am missing the last 2 pages. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to write out the text of those 2 pages and let me know what the pictures show.
Here is what I have for my last page:
"And when Mother calls, 'Lunch time!' you're as hungry as bears." The scene is Nancy and Timmy on the beach. Timmy has left his pail in the sand upsidedown and is running off to lunch.

Can anyone help? Thank you in advance Smile


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The words are as follows'"Bow wow!" barks the puppy. " A treat!" 'on one page and the next says' And Nancy and Timmy sit down on the sand and they eat and they eat and they EAT!'

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Thank you so much, goldhunt. When I read this book to my grandson, I keep making up endings... a different one every time... so it will be nice the next time I read him this story, (and it's one of his favorites), I will know the ending that was meant to be.
Thanks again!

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