I have the Golden Book Little Red Hen on a record with a book and just listened to it. It does not have a separate song on it. It does not mention the quote you gave even tho' the reader ad libs a lot.I do not own the cassette .
thank you much
Wow...I remembered I had some Disneyland records in the attic and one was the Little Red Hen.It is a #332 Disneyland Record and Book titled Little Red Hen. The record has the story on one side and the other side has two songs....Do It yourself is the second song...yippee...the words are as you remember them. If you search ebay for the title plus disneyland you will find it for sale in the ebaystores....good luck
oh my god, i worship you right now! THANK YOU!
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I used to listen to the Little Red Hen either on record or on tape when I was little, and there was this song that went "do yourself a favor, do it yourself". I want to hear this recording again, but am not sure where to look. I believe it was a Golden Book recording, but I'm not positive. Does this sound familiar to anyone?