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I recently acquired a copy of what I thought was Rumplestiltskin (300-56). However on closer examination, I found that the frst half of the pages are from Little Brown Bear- 1985 "E" edition, and the last half of the pages appear to be Rumplestiltskin. I have not seen any info on misprints, or their value, can anyone help?

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Misprints, misbindings, miscuts are all cute items to add to a collection of golden books. I have quite a few in mine. I do not pay any large amount for them. They are just neat to find. I have not seen any of these sell for a large amount either.

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 893
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I have rumplestiltskin with the front half then is starts all over again...anyone ever seen one of these? How much would something like that be worth?

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Please read the reply previous to your post.

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