Not sure if you're still checking this post or not, but you may be looking for "A Blessing from Above" by Patti Henderson. HTH Niki
Thanks for replying. The search is still on. I am Googling the title that you gave me and hope that it is what I am looking for. Next, I have to find the book on a shelf. Thanks for your help!!!
Hi again, still has the book I mentioned above. hth Niki
I took out my book of this title and it is about adoption. Thanks for making us all aware of this as I have been asked before. It is available new and used.
I am in the process of ordering the book through but having a devil of a time. If all else fails, I will go to Amazon to order. Thanks again for all the help. I feel that the search is finally over, for now.
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I am looking to find out what is the title to a certain Little Golden Book. I saw the book in Wal-Mart within the last year. It was a book about adoption. A story that explained how the child (or animal came to be). I wish that I had bought the book when I saw it. Now I can't remember the name or the cover. PLEASE HELP.