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HELP - I'm desparately seeking a story from my past that I believe was a Little Golden Book. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the book and the only thing I can remember is a picture of a lonely puppy/dog (which I think was black & white) walking through the kitchen looking for someone to play with and I believe the story ends by the dog's owners coming home. This story means so much to me for personal reasons, I will take any and all suggestions!! It's NOT the pokey little puppy though as I purchased that book and it is not what I'm looking for.

Registered: 03/24/06
Posts: 1
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I THINK it is Hunky Dory. That is what I remember from my childhood. I am trying to find it myself. Please let me know if you find anything.

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I found it. The one I was looking for was "Fun For Hunkydory". Hope this is it.

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It was probably Mister Dog. It was a LGB.

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Mister dog is not it but thanks for the suggestion.

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To MSayre: have you found a picture of "Fun for Hunkydory" online so I can copy the link to look at the dog? I would know immediately if I could see the cover. I have a vivid memory of the one page in the book where the dog has his head down, tail between his legs and was walking across the kitchen floor looking for someone to play with but the house is empty. Again, I think the story ends with the owners coming home and I think it was either a Little Elf book or Little Golden Book.

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Thanks to everyone for their input but I found my childhood book, it was actually a rand mcnally junior elf book titled Jiggers. Thanks again for all of your help.

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