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I am looking for a book that is approximately 54 years old. I am not sure of the correct spelling of the title. I am told it was titled the Skillery Scallery Aligator. The author is unknown to me as well. It was a Little little Golden Book.

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I have a Little Golden book with a Skillery Skallery alligator in it, but the title is Uncle Wiggly. Ucle Wiggly is a rabbit and the alligator wants to chew on his ears!

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This title could also be: ´The Little Golden Book of Uncle Wiggly". It is the same book mentioned above but there is more to the title.

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 893
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You are absolutely correct on the title - I really should not post so late at night. I become dreadfully sloppy! Thanks for fixing it.

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I am 66 years old. skillery skallery alligator was one of the bedtime stories read to me about 1950 i think that it was in a collection of stories from uncle remus, along with the tar baby and little black sambo. since then, disney inc has worked over uncle remus to be more pc

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