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I have been searching for a book for someone who is ill. It was a childhood book probably from the 50's or 60's. I have searched to no avail, but a nice person from Ebay suggested this forum. This book is about a little boy who wants a pony and they keep telling him Maybe Someday Billy hence the name. I am not positive about the title but I believe it is something like that.
If anyone has any idea please send information to SandieKT@aol.com.
Thank you for your help.


Sandie Thompson

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Hi Sandie, I know you´ve been waiting for an answer for quite some time. I don´t even know if you are still looking for this book.
Perhaps it was a Wonder Book or an Elf, Cozy Corner???

Also - I thought of this recently. I have read an LGB where the little boy had a pony that he neglected to feed. The father tolde him the pony would not be his if he could not be responsible for it. The boy then takes great pains to take care of thepony and asks everyday if the pony is his yet, and the father strings him along through the story by saying "Not yet".

I cannot remember the title - but if you think this may be the story, instead of the "someday", I will look for it.

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I too was searching for this book with very little information and finally found some specifics. Even though this is an old thread, I am posting an answer just in case someone else is searching and hoping to find an answer.

The book title is The Little Pony written by Mary Alice Hawley and illustrated by Marjorie Hartwell. It is a Tell-a-Tale book from 1952, printed by Whitman Publishing Co. Copies are available on eBay, Amazon or ABEbooks.

Here is the song Billy sings from the front cover:

"Giddee up, giddee up, little pony
Now walk a little while.
Giddee up, giddee up, little pony
Now walk in a high-stepping style."

Cheers to you, internet folks

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