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If any one can please help me. I've been looking for a book that began something like "Karen Kay was four and a little more..."
If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

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I have been looking for that same book - did you ever find out the name of it?

I found your post by typing in "karen kay was four" in google, hoping to find something about that book I enjoyed forty-some years ago. This forum was the only result that came up - hope you have had some luck!

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Title: Big Little Kitty
Type: A Whitman Tell-A-Tale Book
Author & Illustrator: Jan D Biggers
copyright: 1953

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

Active Member
Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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<font color=violet>I thank you with all my heart for coming up with the name of that wonderful book! Since I knew what to look for after seeing your post, I soon found a copy of it, and it was such a delight to read it again, and see those sweet pictures I still remember after so many years. Bless you for taking the time to reply!</font>

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I started looking for the same book when I first got the internet, but never got anywhere with"Karen Kay was four and a little bit more. How old are you?" until yesterday. I started looking for it again yesterday because I had a nostalgic moment. This book was given to me by my sister on my fifth birthday in 1960. That sister died last year and I had one of those moments yesterday and decided to look again for Karen Kay. I was amazed at how many other people were looking for the same book - and mine will be at my door within the next week! Thank you, World Wide Web!

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My mother used to read me a book about Karen Kay. She told me that it started out, "Karen Kay remembers a Christmas day when someone came to her house to play with smoky ben the teddy bear and the little girl doll with the yellow hair." Do you know about a book with Karen Kay in it like that? The one that was mentioned above, "Karen Kay was all of four..." sounds familiar to me, but I am not sure. They aren't the same book, are they? Can you help me?

Thank you,

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The book is actually published by Whitman. A Whitman Tell a Tale Book.

The name is The Big Little Kitty.


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