Monday, February 25 2002 @ 05:48 AM GMT (Read 2221 times)
By looking at Steve Santi's website I think I may have found the title of one of the LGBs I'm looking for. Does anyone have a copy of New House in the Forest (#24-1946; author-Lucy Sprague Mitchell;illustrator-Eloise Wilkin)?
Also looking for: The Little Fat Policeman (#91-1950) Prayers For Children (#5-1942) Grandpa Bunny Little Black Sambo
By looking at Steve Santi's website I think I may have found the title of one of the LGBs I'm looking for. Does anyone have a copy of New House in the Forest (#24-1946; author-Lucy Sprague Mitchell;illustrator-Eloise Wilkin)?
Also looking for:
The Little Fat Policeman (#91-1950)
Prayers For Children (#5-1942)
Grandpa Bunny
Little Black Sambo