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Just found the book and actual title is "What Happened to George?", A RandMcNally Elf Book.

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I loved that book and have been wondering where I could find one to buy. My sister laughs when I talk about it and does not remember us having it.

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Ohmygod! I was just retelling my daughter last night about the little golden book about a pig who ate too many doughnuts and exploded! I was seven years old in 1963 and in the hospital for several weeks to have open heart surgery and this book was in the playroom in the children's wing. My mom read it to me several times and I adored it!! Then my mother had to break the news to me that some jerk kid had torn it up! I think I actually cried! Like many of you, finding this website has validated my long-lost longings for this book!

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I just was e-mailing my sister and wanted to quote from George, but cdn't remember the title -- I cannot believe that all this info is here. Thanks so much!! My cousin and I used to read this book together in approximately 1964 and laugh our heads off. I love it! Am going to try to get a copy. Viva old George!!

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I have been looking for this book for my sister. We do not know what happened to our copy. This was one of her favorite books as a chile that my Father always read. So glad I found this site and will try to contact some contributors that might have copies!

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I loved that book! I remember it from when I was too young to read and my older siblings read it to me frequently. His mother had made the doughnuts for a community gathering of some sort. Had set them on a plate on the windowsill to cool. He overate. Best line was at the end, "Some say he just blew up" Happy memories!

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The book is called "Whatever happened to george?" and it is an elf book not a golden book which is what helped me find it. Hope this helps

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OMG! I thought I was the only one who had the story about George the pig read to them as a child. If I was eating too much of something, my dad used to say, "You're going to turn out like George the Pig!"

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I had Golden books as a child, most memories good, except for George. We were quite poor. My mother often baked for friends and relatives while my sister and I went hungry. She often quoted from the book to keep our little hands away from her goodies. We both have eating disorders to this day. I advise taking care in how you use the book with children. It is dark. It is punitive. In moderation, it's just fine, but please don't overuse George as a cautionary tale when speaking to children about over indulging - it's a form of shaming.

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This book was actually written by my Great Aunt Betty. I have 1 of the original copies. My aunt is now 98, and living in Minnesota.


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