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Please help!

I am looking for a little golden book, I don't know the title, but it was a story that involved a train, and the book ended with the train coming into the station at the end of the night. My mother read it to me nearly every night when I was a little girl and I would like to find it before I have my own children. The book would have been purchased in the early to mid seventies. Any help identifying this book would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Jennifer Knight

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There are many train books and most go into the station. Could you help with any more details? Was it written like a poem?? What was on the cover?? Any certain person or town you remember?? thanks, Holly

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Sorry it has taken me so long to write again. All that I really remember about the book is that the last page was of the train pulling into the station at the end of the night. I remember stars and it seems like the train made a shhh shhh shhh sound to end the story. That is my memory (I was probably four, so not the most reliable). I am going to ask my mom what she remembers, maybe her memory is better. If that strikes a cord, let me know. Thanks for all of your help!


Jennifer Knight

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It also would have been published in the early 1970's. It wasn't a real cartoony book, probably more along the lines of pretty realistic drawings. I'll let you know more soon. Thanks again.

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My mom's recollections were of the train passing through the country and mountains, different scenes passing through the country. She said it would have been published around 1975 because she read it to me while she was pregnant with my sister. We think the book focused on the train, not a character or person, but it wasn't that the train was a character, like in a train that could. Hopefully that will help. You are my best bet. Thanks.

Jennifer Knight

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Plano the Train, or the train to Timbuktu? Do either of those ring a bell? I know that sometimes our memory plays tricks on us (at least mine does)
The next to last page of Timbuktu is a night scene. The last page of Plano he sort of sighs..
If you think you would recognize the cover E-Bay really is a good source, just enter Little Golden Book and Train in their search engine (titles and descriptions) your book is bound to show up. I hope this helps.

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Pano the Train was published in 1975. It has three simple pictures that denote you helping to read the story: Toot,toot: ding, ding: and chug, chugged. The story begins_ ´Every morning, Pano stoked himself with coal and filled his boiler with water. Every morning, Pan counted the cars that he pulled, from the coal car to the red caboose.´The story ends-´Pano hadn´t lost either a race or a caboose, but Pano had learned to listen.´ Does this sound familiar???

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Slam Bam greese the engine. Pull out the throttle and give her the gun. Two trains, a big train and a little train

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Eek! sounds a lot like the train to timbuctoo to me.
i have a 1953 copy. u should be able to find it readily on ebay.

Registered: 03/14/05
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